Saturday, January 10, 2015

Cooking again

It's a sure sign I'm getting better. Tonight I cooked dinner. Bacon wrapped pork tenderloin and pomegranate jus and baked potatoes with all the fixins. Couldn't find anything green. Easy, quick and delicious. #live4food

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Jax drives the bus


Just before christmas (on my birthday to be exact) I had an MRI to determine how 6 weeks of IV antibiotics was doing to the bone infection in my toes. IT's the first time I had both feet done. The first MRI was only the left foot because that's where the open wound was. After that MRI I went in and had some of the 2nd toe on the right foot removed. That foot has been healing nicely so nobody expected any infection there. We were wrong. In fact the right foot has involved 4 toes (only 3 are involved on the left). This is an unexpected setback.

About the same time I got a complete blood work-up confirming that my kidneys are still damaged causing anemia and low hemoglobin levels. This is why I still feel so tired all the time.

All in all not much good news for the christmas holiday.

In response we are stopping the IV antibiotics and starting another kind orally. Taking a pill is a lot easier that shooting up three times a day.

Today I had another visit to the surgeon who took my toes. Things look pretty good there - everything is healing nicely - and I got permission to take showers without using "dry socks" to keep my feet dry. This combined with the removal of the PICC line means I can now take a shower without any waterproofing for the first time in nearly 10 months. Until now it's been "dry-socks" and wrapping my arm in "Press-n-Seal" wrap and waterproof tape. It takes like 10 minutes just to get ready to shower and another ten to take it all off. I have to admit I've been looking forward to simply walking into the shower for a long time and today was a pretty nice milestone.

The "tank"

Jackson came to one of my last Hyperbaric treatment sessions to check things out...
Jackson inspects the Hyperbaric chamber
Who's that?