Saturday, February 22, 2014

Fender Bullet® Strings

I’ve been trying different types of guitar strings with each restring to get a feel for how different brands, models and sizes sound on each guitar. I recently tried Fender “Bullet” Strings for the first time and found there are actually different than most other strings on the market.

The difference is how the end of the string is anchored. Rather than a winding the string around a small brass bobbin, Fender casts the string onto a bullet-shaped tip. Fender claims this increases the contact area between the string and the bridge resulting in improved acoustics and sustain. I just put them on Rosie and really like the sound. I’m keeping Rosie on 11a and have the Strat on 12s.

I think the Bullets added a little more twang to the Tele so I may try a set on the Strat when the 10s need replacing. I like em.

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