Monday, April 18, 2011

I've been wearing a bright yellow Livestrong bracelet since I was diagnosed with skin cancer 4 years ago. I have worn it with pride, both for my support of Lance and his incredible performance as a cancer survivor and to support what the organization stands for.

I feel gutted after visiting the site last night in search for information on ischial tuberosities and bicycle saddle fit. I was stoked to see the site had a large number of articles on the topic. I mean it's organized by one of the greatest cyclists of al time so they must take cycling topics pretty seriously. As I began reading the site I realized that all the articles were almost the same and actually provided no information about the topic. I saw that there were many articles on bicycle saddle fit. but when I read them, that were all the same article with just a few words changed. They seemed to be just like the useless articles on Then, on a hunch I went to eHow and found the same articles there.

Then I googled "" and "Content Farm" and there it was. The brand I had so identified with, and was so proud to support is in fact just a greedy business making money on ad placement and not at all focused on the things I thought it was.

That why after wearing-out 5 different bracelets over 4 years, I took mine off for good today. Goodbye Live Strong. I'll be making my donation to another organization from now on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can live in strength without Lance or his ponzi scheme charity. Too few people out there understand the blurred lines of the .com/.org and how their donations are wasted by that "organization."