Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Small Milestone

I'm getting used to doing the regular IVs 3 times a day and the problem with clogging the line is gone. Hopefully this works and the bone infection is resolved.

Still pretty gnarly looking but getting better
Today marked another small milestone, I got all the stitches removed from my feet. After the amputation I was left with about 30 stitches in the left foot and 6 in the right. It was actually quite painful which ironically is good news as it indicates the numbness is slowly receding.

With the stitches removed I can now wear normal socks instead of having my feet wrapped in bandages so walking is easier. Also and more importantly it means that I can take showers again which is a wonderful treat. I still need to treat the remaining gangrenous areas every day with Betadyne to keep then dry and germ-free. The remaining caps should fall off over the next few months leaving behind healthy - albeit shorter - toes.

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