Thursday, July 30, 2015

Feet (again) SFW Pics

We have been waiting for my new antibiotics regimen to take effect before scheduling the next MRI to measure the state of the bone infection. While waiting, the gangrene cap on my right foot has started to detach. It's like a toddler loosing a tooth - first it moves a little, then it wiggles, then it flops around, then it falls off. Last night mine finally came off. Unfortunately it left some of my toe bone exposed. That needs to be treated right away - either graft on some skin or cut off some of the bone to close it up. Neither of those make much sense if we are going to amputate the toe in just a few weeks. So I need to do the MRI now to see if the infection has continued to spread. If not, we stitch up the one toe; if it has spread we are going to amputate them to remove all the infected bone. 

The Gross Foot Picture Reduction Act of 2015 is now in effect.

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